Do you want to be a part of the FAMILY?
Would you like to support the team behind the team?
Do you want to help in supporting the medical safety and treatment of your local fighting eagles?
Lastly, would you like to support the state champion athletic training program?
Here within the Glenda Dawson High School Sports Medicine Department, we truly strive to be the gold standard of medicine for our student athletes, while also being a large advocate for the profession of athletic training. As you may know, our department proudly staffs two alumni of our great high school and our student aid program. These alumni being our head athletic trainer, Christina Fry, MS, LAT, ATC, class of 2012, and Joseph B. Eberhardt, M.Ed, LAT, ATC, class of 2015. Our department has been recognized locally by the city of Pearland with a presentation of a Golden Pear, and by the Greater Houston Athletic Trainers Society (GHATS) through individual awards as well as being recognized regionally by the Southwest Athletic Trainers Association and Nationally by the National Athletic Trainers Association. Our department would not have the success of being a three-time NATA 1st Team Safe Sports School and a Dave Campbell Texas Football Superstar Staff Award Finalist without the success and dedication of our Athletic Training Student Aid Program.
Glenda Dawson High School Athletic Training Student Aid Program is one of the most competitive academic programs in the country, in regard to sports medicine education. Annually, we accept 5-7 applicants out of 50 applicants into our program. These students are educated about a variety of aspects within the profession of athletic training and the medical field of sports medicine. We currently have 100% acceptance rate into graduate programs including veterinary, medical school, physical therapy, athletic training, and physician assistant. As you well know, our campus’ first senior class was the graduating class of 2010 and since the start, we have had a senior student named a TSATA Academic All-State Recipients 10 times while also having 2 of our students who have graduated within the top 10% of our high-level academic achieving school. This academic determination has been fruitful in our student academic competitions. Every year at the annual GHATS meeting, since the year 2013, there has been the Mark Salter Quiz Bowl Competition. Since the competitions’ inception, Glenda Dawson High School has won this Texas State Athletic Training Association (TSATA) Regional Qualifier 4 times and been in the finals 7 times. We have also been successful in the GHATS student tape off, academic poster contest, student professional presentations and student scholarships. This has enabled our campus to be the most decorated school in GHATS history.
This past summer our student aid program made school history. Last year was the inaugural year for a State academic and skills competition for sports medicine education the TSATA. As regional champions last year we were invited to compete in Stephenville at Tarleton State University for the opportunity to become the first ever team state title in Dawson High School history. As an alumnus of this great program and great campus Glenda Dawson Athletic Training Program has brought home Glenda Dawson high school’s first ever team state championship. The largest pride and joy, of this program is giving our hard-working students the opportunity to compete and represent this great campus and be recognized for it. More commonly, we as Dawson Athletic Training are the team behind the team, it is very uncharacteristic of us to push ourselves into the limelight, but our dedicated students deserve an opportunity to recognized and to compete to represent this amazing campus we all cherish and love. We will accept and be honored with any amount of monetary support you can provide as you do for the amazing sports on our campus.
If interested in joining the FAMILY and support the Dawson Sports Medicine Department or the Athletic Training Student Aide program please email.
Current Sponsors
Largest thanks to:
Texas Emergency Care (3115 Dixie Farm Rd, Pearland, TX 77581)
Athletic Training + Health
Memorial Herman
Dira Professional Development
Pearland Pediatrics
UT Ortho - Dr. Taggart Gauvain, MD & Dr. Laura Torres-Barre, MD
Next Level Urgent Care
Pearland Stretch Zone
Pearland Pediatrics
C&K Properties - Brett Jackson
Silverlake Animal Hospital
Our amazing Program Parents in donating time and money for our student aide's meals & travel
Eagle 2
Memorial Hermann sponsored the wrapping of our state champion medical equipment bus! This community support allows our Sports Medicine Department at Glenda Dawson High School to travel with the gold standard of medical equipment for every varsity football game to care for our fighting eagles.