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When possible, all medication should be given at home. However, some medication will be dispensed at school according to the following guidelines:

  1. Written permission and specific directions for administration of medication are required. Directions must include student’s name, date, name of medication, dosage, route of administration,  and time to be administered.
    • A physician’s authorization form must be signed by the physician or dentist and parent if a medication is to be administered for longer than 10 consecutive days.
    • Over-the–counter medication and other prescription medication may be administered for a period of no longer than ten (10) days, provided signed permission has been provided by the parent or guardian.
  2. All medication must be provided by the parent in the original container.
  3. Medication must not be expired.
  4. All medication must be brought to the clinic by the parent or designated adult upon arrival to school.
  5. The student may not carry or administer any medication to himself/herself. However, Texas law permits students to carry and self-administer prescription asthma or anaphylaxis emergency medications if certain criteria are met. The authorization form for "Student Self-Administration of Asthma or Anaphylaxis Medications" must be on file.
  6. The School Nurse or healthcare assistant will supervise storage and dispensing of medication.
  7. If the medication is new to the student, the first dose of the medication must be given at home.
  8. Pearland ISD uses the Texas Department of State Health Services guidelines for medication administration found at the following link:  Guide to Medication Administration in the School Setting